How to make easy, no-knead focaccia!

This is a culinary wonder! Simply mix the ingredients and let time create your dough. No mess, no fuss. The next day, bake it and enjoy! This is one of my most popular and versatile recipes. You can use this dough to create bread and pizza too. So easy, all you need is to mix,…

Overnight Healthy Rye and Spelt Loaf

I would love to make you believe that I spent days elaborating a new recipe for a healthy and delicious bread. That I experienced, tried and tested various formulas until one day, exhausted but elated, I triumphed…Alas, the truth about how this bread came to be is that a few weeks ago, as I was setting up…

No-knead Spelt Focaccia with Potato and Zucchini

Move over, white flour! The more recent diets trends have cast the spotilght on an ancient grain that has been enjoying a new-found popularity amongst home-bakers and those with a knack for healthy eating. Spelt, or dinkel wheat, contains a higher percentage of protein than wheat and enough gluten to be used in place of…

White wine and Olive oil flat bread (Pizza Scima)

The last days of my holiday in Torricella Peligna, my mum’s home-village in the mountains of Abruzzo, are fast approaching. I always feel a deep sense of sadness at the thought of leaving this charming place. Every street, every narrow lane and alley, is embedded with strong childhood memories of feeling free, utopistic and adventurous,…

Authentic Italian Focaccia

I feel the need to specify authentic because I am afraid l there is an overall misconception about what focaccia is and should be. Focaccia should not be thick or doughy. I have encountered so many of this kind, such disappointing, heavy-as lead thick breads so wrongly called Focaccia, that I am now compelled to…

Focaccia con Taleggio e cipolla

I am not against experimenting with flavour combinations. At times I have been extremely and pleasantly surprised by the daring offerings of Chefs like Tetsuya, although I must admit , when I am cooking I remain loyal to more traditional food marriages. Nothing can beat the marry union of Tomatoes and Basil, Lemon and Vanilla,…